Learn how to involve your kids in the organizing process, making it a fun and enjoyable activity for the whole family.
Discover simple and effective strategies for decluttering and creating functional spaces in your home. Gain the confidence and skills to tackle any organizing challenge that comes your way.
Are you struggling to keep up with the kid stuff in your home?
Do you feel stuck and unsure of how or where to start decluttering the kid items in your home?
Are you limited on time and energy to get organized?
Have tried time and time again to organize the kids' things
in your home without much success?
Do you have middle childhood-aged kiddos (5-12 years old)?

Learn how to instill the valuable skill of organization in your kids!
Meet Your Guide

Decluttering & Organizing Expert
Janelle Azar
Janelle Azar is the owner of A Meaningful Space, a home-organizing business that provides decluttering and organizing services and education to clients across the metro Detroit area and many more through her YouTube channel and social media platforms. Janelle is a blogger, speaker, and decluttering expert!
As a lifelong neat freak, she has combined her passion for education, children, and tidying into bite-size. easy-to-follow strategies that can be adapted to any family or any home.
Say goodbye to kid clutter!
Say sayonara to piles of toys, books, clothes, and papers that accompany your kiddos through the years. If you want to declutter and organize like a boss in your own home and stop playing hopscotch over all the Legos on your living room floor then look no further because Simplifying & Organizing with Kids is right for you.

Simplifying & Organizing with Kids
in this course, you'll learn how to...
Communication is key! Along with patience, understanding, and some tough love. Having open lines of communication helps the entire family know what the goals and expectations of the organizing process. And it helps in maintaining solutions for the long-term.
Make Decisions
Whether it's toys, clothes, books, electronics, or papers you're here because there is just too much stuff. Discover what items to let go of along with tips and tricks to pare down. Learn how to implement this techniques with your child so they can begin to declutter and organize as they grow!
Finding the right system that works for you and your kids is an important step to making sure they will be able to maintain the organization for the long-term. Learn how to keep systems simple and tailored to your child's style of organization in order to avoid common organizing mistakes.
What's Inside the Course
1. Introduction
Welcome! I'm Glad You're Here!
How To Navigate the Course
Complete course workbook
2. Module 1: The Road to Kid Clutter
How Did You Get Here
Question, Learn, & Communicate
Set Your Goals & Expectations
3. Module 2: Let's Declutter Like A Mother
Get Ready To Organize
Let's Talk Toys
Books, Clothes, & Papers...Oh My!
Let It Go...Time To Donate!
4. Module 3: Organize & Contain: Creating Meaningful Spaces
How To Organize Toys
How To Organize Kid Clothes
How To Organize Kids Books & Papers
How To Organize Kids Electronics & Sports Equipment
5. Module 4: Keep This Party Going: Keys To Maintenence
Limits & Boundaries for the Stuff in Your Home
Routines & Declutter Dates
6. Celebration & Bonus Materials
Bonus: Organizing with Special Needs Kids
Bonus: How To Overcome Feelings of Guilt & Overwhelm when Decluttering with Your Kids
See what our participants are saying about Simplifying & Organizing with Kids

My kids can prioritize their items, space, and time much better.
The kids play with more of their toys, read more, use their imagination more and view their rooms as a place of their making. It's been roughly two months since the kids organized their rooms and toys/games area and all systems are still in place. We have more time to do rather than taking up a lot of time literally and mentally looking for things or clearing space to do things. We have less stress and more time together now.

Inspired to donate and
Thoughtful, and detailed, and great ideas so we can continue to organize and declutter each room in our house. Our 10 and 12-year-old daughters have donated several bags of clothes and toys and organized their own bedrooms.
How many lessons are in the course?There are 4 modules with a total of 13 lessons. There is also a welcome module and a celebration/conclusion module.
How long do I have access to the course?You will have lifetime access to the course including any future updates.
How much is the course?The course is a one-time charge of $97 USD. If you've selected the payment plan option the cost is $59/month billed over two months.
Are there any bonus materials with the course?You will find a bonus module section that includes interviews and videos on a variety of organizing with kid topics.
What is the average age of kids that this course works well for?This course works well with big kids and little kids! Many of the topics surrounding toys, games, and books are designed for kids that are in the 5-12 age range.
I'd like to set up a consultation. How do I do that?Head over to our contact page or any of our service pages and select a day and time for your phone consultation and complete the attached form.
What's Included in the Course:
Lifetime access to the course and any future updates
90-page course workbook (worksheets, checklists, cheat sheets)
Bonus Area: Videos, Tips from other Pro Organizers, & More